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Current Programs

Stage I- Emergency Rescue


TSR sources investigations and the rescue of victims to professional services who are capable of facilitating the appropriate response to a broad array of emengency rescues and investigations anywhere in the world.


Oversight by TSR risk management commitees ensures the safty of victims during rescue and the control and compliance of partners to adhere to legal codes and moral laws.





1)Stage II- Emergency Shelter


After rescue, victims are immediately placed under protection from their traffickers by TSR's Shelter/Refuge teams, (Night Psalms Lighthouse), into private undisclosed shelters where food, clothing and other basic necessities are offered them. The estimated length of time in shelter varies according to the needs of victims, their health and cooperation. Usually, within two to three weeks clients are ready to be relocated into "Life Refuges".


Stage III- Life Refuges


TSR "Life Refuges" are transitional safe house networks operated by Night Psalms Lighthouse, a division of TSR. Life Refuges are primarily for victims who desire an alternative to repatriation or who are awaiting witness programs. There are five programs currently offered through TSR's Life Refuges: 


(1)Therapuetic mental and physical Health case managements


(2)Legal advocacy and assistance


(3)Educational and development


(4)Occupational Training


(5)Independant Residentail Living


Life Refuge introduces victims to distintive individualized programs with higher levels of care and assistance than in emergencty shelters. The programs of "LR" will increase selfesteem and empower clients while they gradiently progress through each level. It will assist and prepare victims for independence or to step down to the least restrictive setting possible for them.


Life Refuge-Level I


Level I is an intake period that provides opportunities to encourages each client to take charge of his/her life by identifying strengths. and learning new ways to effectively cope with feelings of pain. shame, disappointment and loss. Cultural orientation, and developmental education is an integral part of LR Level I. Focus on these areas increase a victims self-esteem as they develop social consciousness and other functional skills that are neccessary for appropriate development and social integration. Day Treatment begins at Level I as well as

Targeted Case Management  and other certifications. Legal assistance is offered with day rehabilition that provides crisis interventions in gang, suicide, rape, drugs/alcohol and run away. 


Life Refuge- Level II


Victims of trafficking face unprecedented pressures and problems. Most have given up on resisting the life forced upon them and have started reflecting and accepting that life.


Not accepting the life imposed on them by traffickers is what Life Refuge II offers, that is: to make positive change one must have positive choices and embrace self-determination. We begin with Case Management Intensives that continues to focus on key components needed to effectively treat its targeted population.


Victims come to us because they require a highly structured and consistent environment within which to develop or regain their self structuring skills and to address emotional conflicts. 


Life Refuge- Level III


The final level of "Refuge" is the core of TSR belief and the ultimate aim of  its  programs. LR III is geared toward leadership and mentoring.

At this final stage successful clients gaduate into staff positions and internships. Additionally long term living programs are arranged.

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